Welcome to the Plumas Street Shopping District, nestled in the heart of Yuba City Downtown. Our vibrant community hub is dedicated to nurturing aspiring businesses while fostering a welcoming and safe environment for residents and visitors alike. At Plumas Street, we’re more than just a shopping destination – we’re a center of culture and community life.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Yuba City Downtown Business Association is to preserve, promote and encourage aspiring businesses and provide a safe, clean center of culture and community life for resident and visitors alike. 

DBA Vision Statemenmt

To be known as the Premier Shopping, Dining and Entertainment Destination of the region.”


History of DBA

There was a group of business owners in the downtown that came together in the mid 70’s and organized a volunteer group Downtown Business Association. They had the desire to keep downtown safe and clean, some of the founding members are Bob Landson, Royce Dunn and Don Huckins. They came together and bought some property, that later was converted into the parking lot behind Crosspointe and Linda’s Soda Bar. Things changed over the years, the mall open, businesses started to open out west, things moved away from downtown. The Business Improvement District was established in 1999 to obtain funds for marketing the downtown. The DBA manages the funding from the BID for the marketing of the downtown.