Hi Stroll Participants!
Welcome to the 2025 Summer Stroll!!
Here are a few instructions as you prepare for the event. Below are the instructions for your check-in..
Vendor check-in begins at 12:pm for Food Vendors located on Center and Teegarden, and approximately 1pm for all others. The YC Police Department must clear the street before vendors are allowed to enter for setup.
• BELOW IS A LIST OF YOUR ENTRY POINTS. PLEASE REFER TO THIS LIST AND THE VENDOR MAP FOR THE LOCATION. If at any time during the Stroll you have a question or need assistance, please note the Block Captains’ booths are highlighted in red on the map: ***PLEASE BE ADVISED ONLY TWO ENTRY POINTS THIS YEAR PER NEW CITY ORDINANCE***
Booth Numbers W1-W36 & E1-E29 and Teegarden Food Vendors, you will enter from Teegarden Street.
Booth Numbers W37-62 & E35-E67 and Food Street, Food Court, you will enter from Center Street.
* You will be checked in and then directed to your location
For additional information and the event map (vendor maps will be posted no later than 05/25/25),
visit yubacitydowntown.com/stroll/
* Booth location numbers (for Plumas Street vendors) are located on the street. Please make sure you have the correct space before setting up.
* If you are giving away any type of food or drink to the public or selling prepackaged food, you must contact the Sutter County Health Department as soon as possible for instructions on how to serve the public. Please email khunt@co.sutter.ca.us for instructions of packaging and or food or drinks being served. Absolutely NO samples of prepackaged foods can be cut at the event. Samples are to be cut and packaged at an approved commissary (industrial kitchen) according to Health Department guidelines.
*For fire inspection, please contact Kaley Bartlett kbartlett@yubacity.net
* All food vendors must be set up vendors must be set up by 1:30 pm for inspection, and all other vendors must be set up by 2:30pm or risk forfeiting their space. You must provide your own canopies, tables, chairs, and other equipment to vend. Cars are to be off the street by 2:30 pm!
* Heaters and/or other electrical devices are not allowed, unless pre-approved by the Event committee. Lighting for your space is allowed. Please be courteous to your neighbors and don’t overload the City power circuits.
* Vendors are not allowed to break down until 9 pm. Streets will reopen at 9:30pm. No vehicles are allowed on the street until authorized by event staff! The police department must clear pedestrian traffic before vehicles can be brought onto the street.
* Vendors must clean their space and be checked out by event staff prior to leaving. DO NOT PUT YOUR GARBAGE IN THE SIDEWALK TRASH CANS!! Totters will be located throughout the area and garbage/cardboard bins are noted on the vendor map. Violators will be fined $100 and will not be invited back for future events.
*There is some parking available at 701 Plumas St. Look for the “vendor parking” sign. Street parking on the back streets as well as the Rideout Health Education Center parking on
Shasta Street.
The following is instructions from the Yuba City Police Department which is responsible for the safety of this event. They will be in attendance and doing inspections of each booth the day of the Stroll.
Below are guidelines to be used for the Yuba City Fire Department (YCFD) portion of the Special Events safety inspections. This list does not cover every possible item that will be inspected, nor does meeting all the guidelines listed below guarantee that a unit will pass inspection.
* Fire lanes and fire hydrants shall remain unobstructed at all times. The structure shall not be located within a fire lane or public street, unless approved during the permitting process.
* A minimum of 20 ft. clear width shall be provided around the tent and shall be no closer than 20 ft. to lot-lines, buildings, other temporary structures, or vehicles. Support ropes and guy wires are not included. (2019 CFC 3103.8.2)
*Hay, straw, shavings, or similar combustible materials shall not be located within any tent or air-supported structure. (2019 CFC 3107.2)
* All vehicle parking and other internal combustion engines shall be at least twenty feet (20’) from any tent/canopy. (Title 19, Division 1, Sec. 312)
* All tents must meet approved flame propagation test method NFPA 701 (CPAI 84 alone does not meet the standard). (2019 CFC 3104.2)
* No smoking allowed under the tent. (2019 CFC 3107.3)
* Tent legs must be secured per manufacturer’s recommendation.
* Fireworks, open flames and devices capable of igniting combustible materials shall not be used in or adjacent to a temporary membrane structure, tent or canopy, unless otherwise approved. (2019 CFC 3107.4)
* Refueling shall be performed in an approved location not less than 20 feet from temporary membrane structures, tents and canopies. (2019 CFC 3107.14.3)
*Portable outdoor fuel-fired appliances are prohibited inside tents/canopies. (2019 CFC 3107.14.1)
*Open flame devices emitting flame, fire, or heat (e.g. candles, propane heater, kerosene heaters, fire pits, cooking devices etc.) are not allowed inside or within 20 ft of tents/canopies. (2019 CFC 3107.12)
* All cords must be plugged directly into an approved receptacle and shall only serve one (1) appliance unless approved by the Fire Code Official. Extension cords must be of the grounded type when serving grounded appliances or fixtures. (2019 CFC 604.5)
*Extension cords must be located in a manner so as not to create a safety hazard by people walking and tripping on the cord.
Thank you! Any further questions, please email info@yubacitydowntown.com. It is going to be a GREAT event!